
I am so excited for 2013...those four little numbers are the visual reminder that it is my wedding year! 


To celebrate the New Year and my wedding year I am throwing a sale. 

Click the image above, or here, to link to my store and enjoy 10% off!

Happy New Year, my friends!


t-minus 1/2 day until Christmas Break!!

Yes! We made it! The 2012 part of the 2012-2013 school year is nearly complete!  This week has been so super busy, too!

We talked more about Verbs... specifically Verb Tenses

 This is a freebie available for download at my TPT store.

We started talking more in depth about Author's Message

We watched books online at Storylineonline.com. My students LOVE this site! The books are read by famous actors and actresses. The books are also slightly animated. It is similar to Tumblebooks if you are familiar with those!

Next, we made a chart (a non-fiction feature we have been learning about!) in our ELA journals to help us track the Author's Message from different books we read and listen to.

We made our parent-gifts

Christmas Tree Ornaments. Super simple and wonderfully cute! I passed out sandpaper to my students to round off the edges of their popsicle sticks that had to be broken and you would have thought I handed them $100!!! :) I will for sure think of something to use sandpaper with again this year!

And today my students got their gifts from me

I went a little book-crazy with our last book order. Well, it was partially my intent but I over ordered by about 15 books. Oh well! 

When my students came back in from recess and found their shiny new books on their desks, they were so excited! To be honest I was really REALLY nervous that they would roll their eyes at me and hate the gift. But they had JUST THE OPPOSITE reaction. I told them that I thought long and hard about which books to give each student, which I totally did! It took me entirely too long to make my decisions :) Which is part of the reason that I over ordered... I just couldn't make up my mind!

Whelp! Tomorrow is the last day. Polar express day! 
Every Wednesday is a late start, so kids come at 10:05....
We have a book club in the morning with popcorn, then we will watch the movie and enjoy hot cocoa.
Then we will do some sequencing...
Then we will clean our classroom (the fire marshall comes over the break!)
Then it will most likely be time to head to the buses!

My teammate and I went back and forth about Christmas Homework. We decided to only send home a Winter Break Journal and encourage students to continue reading and practicing IXL (online math).

What do you assign for homework over breaks? 


Sandy Hook School {day of silence}

Tomorrow, Sunday, December 16th, I will honor and remember the children and adults from Sandy Hook School, who lost their lives on Friday. I will be participating in a Day of Silence. I hope you join me.
My dad called me on my lunch break Friday to see if I had heard the awful news. I hadn't. I immediately got on the Internet and as my heart melted, goosebumps spread across my body and I thought of my 27 students outside at recess. I was instantly thankful to be in Washington State, far, far away from this tragedy. My thankfulness was quickly followed by heartbreak...then guilt for feeling thankful.

I wanted to call my students inside from recess early, close the blinds, and just talk with them. I didn't want to talk about what had happened, but I just wanted time to connect with them, to remember that they are children of parents who are at home and at work right now also hearing about Sandy Hook with their hearts breaking, thanking a higher power that their child is safe and unaware of the tragedy. They are most likely also imagining what those families in CT are going through and the feelings they were experiencing as they waited anxiously to be reunited with their children...or to learn that their child would not be coming home tonight. 

We are all thinking about you. We are all praying for you. Your children will not be forgotten. 

This will never make sense. But I am hopeful that something good will come out of this, we will learn something... I was reminded to take more time to get to know my students as the children that they are. The poem below says it all.


12 days of Christmas

My sister and I have been planning a 12-days of Christmas Countdown for her husband and my fiancé. This has turned out to be quite the process!  Last night we got together and make our envelopes which will hold a ticket-like piece of paper that tells our guy what he gets for that day. 

For example, on Day 4: 

The front of the envelope says: 
On the 4th day of Christmas
 my true love gave to me... 

The ticket-like paper on the inside says:
...4 scoops of ice-cream, 
two for you and two for your sweetie (that's me!)!

And inside the envelope will be a gift certificate to Baskin Robbins!

I was not liking how my envelopes were turning out... my handwriting just doesn't cut it! So I made some labels to be cut out and pasted to the front of each envelope!

I made three different sets. You can use the same set for all of your envelopes or you can mix it up!  To get download a copy go here!

I would love to hear some of your ideas for this!!!  We are stuck on days 8, 10, 11... thankfully we have 10 days until this all starts!