

Now that you know about Google Reader...and you know that it is probably a good idea to sign up for Bloglovin' so you will continue to see what your favorite bloggers are up to...but how do you ensure new followers find you on Bloglovin'?

Follow these easy steps!

1. After signing into your Bloglovin' account, click on the blue and white heart icon (top right corner)
2. Next, click Bloglovin' Button
3. You will be taken to a scree with three Bloglovin' Button options. Click the link underneath the you like best.
4. A small window will pop up--click where it says "Add Widget" and this will automatically take you back to your Blogger Template page and insert the new widget. 
5. While in the Blogger Template page, you can drag and drop the widget to where you would like it to show up on your page. I put mine right under the Google "Followers" tab. That way when people visit my blog and go to follow me on Google, hopefully they will see the Bloglovin' button too and push it!

I hope this helps a little!

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